There is always something unique about dishes that have been cooked over a fire fed with wood. I loved the taste of the vegetable dish, everything was tasty, especially the vegetables. Apparently there also is sticky rice in Vietnam (Gao1 nee ape4 ) although I have yet to see it.
After lunch, the mother of the house turned on the television and everyone’s attention turned to the television. A recognizable face appeared on the screen – they were watching a Thai Series that had been voiced over. I was expecting a Vietnamese serial drama! We eventually left at 1310, I was dreading the thought of wearing my wet shoes again but these shoes were only dirty for the time being. The rain had stopped and blankets of fog enveloped our surroundings. We passed by a nursery, everything was so silent, Dinh said that the children were taking a nap. Dinh mentioned that chickens return to their respectives homes at1700 every evening. Why so though, if they can find food themselves outside for they would ultimately be slaughtered by their human families. Maybe they need the shelter provided by the family. It seemed interesting that the concept of homes applies to animals too.
There were some bananas in the house which were to be dried under the sun to make herbs. Another random fact I came across was that the colours of the Vietnamese police are green and yellow.
For some reason, I started asking about Dinh about the cost of the things we saw. Here is the list I gathered:
Motorbike. 20 million dong
Buffalo 13 or 14 million
1kg chicken 100 000 dong
1kg swan 75000 dong
Alcohol 1 litre 14000
Pig 1 kg 150 000
Fish 1kg 20 000
1 square metre of land 1 million